The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest
Mar 13, 2000 · Lynne Cherry journeyed deep into the rain forests of Brazil to write and illustrate this gorgeous picture book about a man who exhausts himself trying to chop down a giant …
- 4.8/5(1)
- Brand: Sandpiper
- Author: Lynne Cherry
- Publish Year: 1990
See results only from amazon.comThe Great Kapok Tree: Lynne …
A boa constrictor, monkeys, colorful birds, a small tree frog, a jaguar, tree …
The Great Kapok Tree: A Tal…
The Great Kapok Tree is a gorgeous living book that beautifully tells the story of a …
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry - Goodreads
Mar 15, 1990 · The story of The Great Kapok Tree is told in the third person and follows the journey of two men that enter a forest. One man leaves while the …
- 4.3/5(6K)
- Pages: 40
- Format: Paperback
The Great Kapok Tree - Wikipedia
The Great Kapok Tree is an American children's picture book about rainforest conservation. It was written and illustrated by Lynne Cherry and was originally published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich in 1990. The book is dedicated to Chico Mendes, a Brazilian rubber tapper trying to protect the rainforests, who was murdered in 1988. The 30th Anniversary edition of the book was published in …
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Author: Lynne Cherry
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
- Publish Year: 1990
- Published: Jul 16, 2008
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The Great Kapok Tree: Lynne Cherry: 9780590980685: …
Jan 1, 1990 · A boa constrictor, monkeys, colorful birds, a small tree frog, a jaguar, tree porcupines, anteaters, and a three-toed sloth take their turns, …
- 4.8/5(1)
Summary of 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry: A …
This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of a man who attempts to chop down the Great Kapok tree in the Amazon rainforest. While he naps, the voices of various forest animals, including a child from the Yanomamo tribe, whisper the …
The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest (Harcourt …
May 15, 1998 · The Great Kapok Tree is a gorgeous living book that beautifully tells the story of a tropical rainforest while emphasizing the importance of conservation in ways that even the …
- Reviews: 1.5K
- Author: Lynne Cherry
The Great Kapok Tree : A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest - Google …
Lynne Cherry journeyed deep into the rain forests of Brazil to write and illustrate this gorgeous picture book about a man who exhausts himself trying to chop down a giant kapok tree.
The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest
May 18, 2012 · "Gulliver books." A col. map inserted The many different animals that live in a great kapok tree in the Brazilian rainforest try to convince a man with an ax of the importance …
- [PDF]
The Great Kapok Tree
Butterflies: Senor, our home is in this Kapok tree, and we fly from tree to tree and flower to flower collecting pollen. In this way we pollinate the trees and flowers throughout the rain forest. You …
The Great Kapok Tree - Reading Rockets
When a man who has come to cut the tree down falls asleep in its shades, the creatures whisper in his ear what will happen if they lose their home. The lush illustrations of the tropical setting practically hum with with the sounds of the …