US Road Signs: Traffic Sign Encyclopedia - Driving-Tests.org
Take a deep dive into US road signs and learn what each MUTCD traffic sign means. Roadway signs in the United States come in different colors: red is only used on stop, yield and …
Understanding Basic Road Signs: A Guide for New Drivers
Road signs are vital for safe driving, providing information about the road ahead, guiding traffic flow, and ensuring the safety of all road users. This guide introduces the basics of road signs. …
Stop sign: what does it mean? - Driving-Tests.org
A stop sign is a regulatory sign - a traffic control device that warns drivers to slow down and prepare to stop. It’s used when there are no other cars around, or at the end of a line of traffic. …
Free DMV Road Signs Practice Test 2025 - Driving-Tests.org
Take this free road signs test to see how well you know US traffic signs. Road signs are extremely important as they warn you of possible hazards and inform you of speed limits or road changes.
Divided highway sign: what does it mean? - Driving-Tests.org
The "Divided Highway" sign means that the two lanes of opposing traffic on the highway ahead are divided by some type of physical barrier or median such as a guardrail, concrete barrier, or …
Yield sign: what does it mean? - Driving-Tests.org
A yield sign is a regulatory traffic sign that instructs drivers to slow down and, if necessary, stop to allow other road users (vehicles and pedestrians) the right-of-way before proceeding. …
Two way traffic sign: what does it mean? - Driving-Tests.org
Two way traffic signs are posted before or on two-way roadways. These two way traffic signs warn drivers that they’re leaving a one-way roadway and entering a roadway with opposing …
Narrow bridge sign: what does it mean? - Driving-Tests.org
The narrow bridge sign indicates that the driver is approaching a bridge that is more narrow than the road they are currently on. Drivers should slow down while crossing narrow bridges. Avoid …
Side road sign: what does it mean? - Driving-Tests.org
Side road signs indicate there is a side road that enters the highway, typically from the right. The entry side will be indicated on the sign. This side road sign warns drivers of an upcoming …
Free Delaware DMV Road Signs Permit Practice Test 2025
In Delaware, the most common road signs include stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs, and warning signs. Most of them are reflective and easy to read. All licensed drivers must be able …