To which caste do people from the Vishwakarma community …
I belong to the Vishwakarma community and am not able to decide on the caste (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra) I belong. As per my knowledge and learning, even the Vedas, Manusmriti and other
Who is the wife of Prabhas & the mother of Vishwakarma?
Nov 10, 2017 · This chapter Vishnu Purana calls her Yogasiddha:. The sister of Váchaspati, lovely and virtuous, Yogasiddhá, who pervades the whole world without being devoted to it, was the wife of Prabhása, the eighth of the Vasus, and bore to him the patriarch Viswakarmá, the author of a thousand arts, the mechanist of the gods, the fabricator of all ornaments, the chief …
vishwakarma - Who is the mother-in-law of Surya? - Hinduism …
In Vayu Purana - Book 2 -Chapter 22 its mentioned that Virocanā was Praladas daughter and sister of Vairocana (son of Prahlada) was the wife of Tvashta , the next few shlokas also mention Surya getting married to Vishwakarma's daughter Samjana. .
Was Maya Danav actually the son of Vishwakarma?
Aug 31, 2018 · The verses you shared do point to that conclusion but it seems unlikely that Maya Danav would be related to Vishwakarma since he is mentioned in the Mahabharata as a brother of Namuchi, an Asura who was killed by Indra. According to the …
Are Vedic Gods Tvashtar And Vishwakarma the same?
Apr 23, 2018 · There is a lot of confusion regarding these two perhaps because the Puranas mention Vishwakarma as the doer of things that Vedas mention Tavshtar to have done. This book mentions the same: But there is a huge distinction between Vedic & Puranic Vishwakarma - Vedas use Vishwakarman most often as an adjective not the name of a person. It is an ...
vedas - Did the divine architect Vishwakarma cause the Earth to ...
Vishwakarma, AKA Tvashta, is the architect of the gods. He built, among other things, Indra's city of Amaravati, Krishna's city of Dwaraka, and Ravana's city of Lanka. His daughter Sanjana married Surya the sun god, as I discuss here, and his son Trisiras temporarily served as the guru of the gods, as I discuss here and here .
rishi - Why is the divine architect Vishwakarma considered a …
Note that in this question, I discuss a community of metalworkers and craftsmen who are considered low-caste by many people, but who claim to be Brahmanas descended from Vishwakarma. But they're claims are considered unfounded, whereas Bhargava Gotra is a well-established Brahmana Gotra.
temple - Which scripture mentions Vishwakarma made the idols at ...
Son of Vishwakarma (or Vishwakarma there is mention of both) builds the idol of Narasimha and not Jagannatha and other idols. From Chapter 18 of Purushottama Kshetra Mahatmya, While Nãrada and the king were discussing thus, an unembodied …
calendar - Why are certain festivals like festivals like - Vishwakarma ...
Sep 18, 2022 · No Hindu festival can be celebrated on the basis of the Gregorian calender (introduced in 1582 as a modification of the Julian calender, which was in turn introduced in 709, based on the Egyptian solar calendar). Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated on the day of Kanya Sankranti i.e when the Sun enters the zodiac Virgo.
What is the story of the "Sudarśana Chakra"? - Hinduism Stack …
Apr 16, 2016 · So Vishwakarma reduced Surya's brilliance an eighth, and then fashioned that excess brilliance into various weapons including the Sudarshana Chakra, as described in the Vishnu Purana: To diminish his intensity, Viśwakarman placed the luminary on his lathe, to grind off some of his effulgence; and in this manner reduced it an eighth, for more ...